Graffiti Grind

In my class Endurance we have continued to discuss Elie's experience in the holocaust as we read Night. The experience broke parts of him forever that would be forever changed, because at the end of the book when he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw a stranger. We watched the documentary Maiden trip about a young dutch girl named Laura Dekker who followed her dream of sailing around the globe. She broke the record of being the youngest sailor to do so as well. It was just her and her camera as she endured hours on the ocean traveling from country to country. We analyzed what she went through and what was it about her that allowed her to have the perseverance to continue. Some of this was her love for freedom and seeing new worlds. Now it was our turn to endure. For this action project, I had to endure doing whatever I chose to do for 12 hours total. My decision resided on something I have a love for and haven't set aside enough time to thoroughly practice. Like Dekker, we had to film our experience and record reflections. Welcome to my 12 hours of endurance:


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