Solo Journalist Investigation News Coverage

Voices of Chicago Rise For Climate Change
Written by PKA, September 2019

The crowd spills out of Grant Park. PKA. (2019)

The International Climate Change Strike during the early afternoon on September 20th had thousands of people in Chicago march and protest from Grant Park to the Loop and spill out onto the streets downtown. Youth voices shouted stronger than ever in a planetary conflict that has been ignored by world leaders and people in power for years. Students, musicians, speakers, environmentalist organizations, hippies, social activists and anyone who supported the cause joined together on stages, circles, mosh pits, and crowds to speak up and out. 

Chanting circle speaks to the president. PKA. (2019)

The discussion surrounding Climate Change has become either political issue or belief, stunting the action needed to solve and develop sustainability before it’s too late; some say it is already too late.This strike was a result of leadership and unity, as Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old girl solely dedicated to saving the Earth, arrived in New York via ship to guest speak at the United Nations and lead the gathering in protest. Teenagers joined in shouting chants into a megaphone. Many of them directly addressed President Donald Trump telling him science cannot be ignored.

Chicago High School for the Arts students were present, and a youth activist who is a junior at ChiArts   named Sofia Dimas protested with a megaphone, leading her own group of chants. Her passion for climate change is apparent in her words: “I want a family in the future, and I feel like without action on this problem, I’m not going to be able to raise kids in a healthy environment.” This is just the beginning of Sofia’s activism as she stated that, “I also don’t believe it’s our fault, yes, turtles end up with straws in their noses, yes, there are plastic bags in the ocean. That is not our fault, there is a dump in the oceans by companies, and there is toxic waste being polluted. The air is being polluted by these gases that these companies are letting out, creating a hole in the ozone." That is her view on how the Earth is being treated by people in power. Her poster featured a quote by Greta Thunberg saying, "I want you to feel the fear I feel everyday, and act on it. Act on it, like your house is burning down. And our only home, our only planet is on fire right this second."

Numerous signs bringing awareness. PKA. (2019)

The environmental organization GreenPeace displayed an effigy of Ben van Beurden, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell Plc. He has been the CEO since January 1st, 2014 and continues to lead in large oil projects worth billions of dollars. In fact, Van Beurden’s income has only doubled to approximately $21,300,000 in 2018. 

A GreenPeace protester leading the effigy stated that, “We don’t know these people, we don’t know their faces, we’ve got a bunch of other effigies of other fossil fuel companies, CEOs, because nobody knows their names. Nobody knows their faces. Even though it’s readily available public information. So here we are, spreading that information.”

The background of large corporations having the ability to continue their plans out in the open connects back to the development of their intentions. The Business Roundtable is a non-profit association that brings together large American firms to create public policies for the economy. In 1997, there was a Business Roundtable conclusion that stated it’s “principal objective of a business enterprise is to generate economic returns to its owners”.

 This intention reversed the priorities of using financial gains for the good of the public. Harm against Earth is ignored by that goal of continuous profit. "Thus, to manage the corporation in the long-term interests of the stockholders, management and the board of directors must take into account the interests of the corporation’s other stakeholders". Even when other 'stakeholders' are said to be acknowledged, those actions aren't present in reality. There are some companies such as BP, the gas company, who have spent millions on ad campaigns and projects for “better energy”, but behind the scenes, opened up protected areas of Alaska for oil drilling.

The GreenPeace protester elaborated on the effigy explaining that, "Because he [Ben van Beurden] is willingly destroying the planet at this point despite tons and tons of evidence saying you shouldn't be drilling for oil, but should be relying on more sustainable resources, and continuing to give it anyway for your own person gain is, demonic." 

Ben van Beurden effigy displayed by GreenPeace. PKA. (2019)

Ameena Matthews is an accomplished long term social activist who is advocating to enter Congress so that she can continue to bring peace and prosperity to Chicago. Ameena Matthews has dedicated decades of her life in ‘interrupting’ violence in the city, with which she has helped create an award winning documentary called The Interrupters. Her political platform includes environmental justice, and her input on what the world is developing into is revealed in her imagery: "See how, when you do travel, you don’t see the trees, you see the trees on the side just cut up and botched up for no reason. When I’m looking at apartment buildings that landlords are not okay with changing their pipes so we can have fresh water, and have fresh water, period. That is a human, right, issue. It is unacceptable for us to have the hurricanes that we’ve been having."

Ameena Matthews speaking against injustice. PKA. (2019)

“It’s stuff that’s already been complicatedly, systematically, geniciodically, criminally, done before I was born, it was set up that way. As the congress woman of the first congressional district, it is my duty to make sure that the water system is clean, that our land is able to grow, there shouldn’t be empty lots in the congressional district, or any district without having it doing what it needs to do. Feed that community. Especially, when there’s not adequate food that will give fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, and real milk that is not stressed from a cow. I will work hard on what you all want me to do, what is not okay. Fossil fuels are not okay, it’s not acceptable . It’s killing’ us.”

The front of the crowd ready to move forward. PKA. (2019)

These voices in Chicago place blame on corporations and unjust systematic beginnings. Which may be true, but personal responsibility is also needed in consumer choices when living life day to day. There are decisions all of us could be making to change our lifestyles for the better. In the end, it is up to us on what we should base our opinions from fact checking and researching the right information.


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