Moonrise Kingdom Film Podcast

Image result for moonrise kingdom
FringeArts. Moonrise Kingdom, 2018.

Our final unit in Ollywood consisted of post production editing, sound effects, the use of CGI in film, using different medias for film critiques, and the types of critique perspectives a viewer can take in mind. Our class visited a company named Morning Star to meet with the video producer and motion graphics artist. They presented their portfolio reels and toured the equipment they use to record. We also created another nano cinema with a team of classmates. This time we focused on sound effects, music score, and editing different camera shots together. Another assignment consisted of taking a feminist approach to the film Cry Freedom I had done a video critique on. For this film, Moonrise Kingdom, I took a psychological approach because of the mental state the characters are in.

This class was very insightful in the world of what the intentions or interpretations are in a film as well as the detail in all the choices in its production.


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