Siskel and Ebert Inspired Film Review

The elective term class Ollywood has been centralized on the studying of pre-production for films. Our focus pinpointed on camera angles, lighting techniques, and qualities of an actor that make them worth casting. In assigned groups, we created a nano-film, required to be no more than 30 seconds, incorporating the filming techniques we studied. Our class viewed the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, analyzing Jack Nicholson's character development through acting, lighting, and camera shots. We also discussed the differences in production and character portrayal between the Goodman Theater production, A Christmas Carol and Clive Donner's 1984 A Christmas Carol. The greatest pair of film critics was Siskel and Ebert, hosting a memorable television sow that broad-casted their numerous discussions. My partner and I reenacted their verbal process after watching Cry Freedom, as presented in this video:


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